When I was younger I had an imaginary friend. Her name you ask? Zeida. I know, quite a unique name but a friend is a friend. Some might have called her an imaginary but to me she was as real as could be.
What was our "friendship" like? Well let me tell you...
1. She was always there
Key word always. I can still remember my mom looking at me funny as I buckled up the empty seat next to me in the car. We would share snacks, play pretend, and I was even great at including her in school. I took her everywhere and she always came. I didn't even need to ask.
2. She would always listen
When I was younger I was as quiet as they come. Communication was not my specialty and to be honest it's still something I have to work on. The point is quiet people need somewhere to vent too. I didn't feel weird when talking to a wall because I knew someone was listening.
3. Her love was unwavering
Rain or shine this girl would not leave me alone. Lucky for me I saw this as a good thing. I could be crabby, upset, or a bossy Bess and she would love me all the same. Her love was not circumstantial, it was unconditional.
4. Even when I forgot about her she never left
I'm not going to lie, I did forget about her one day. One day I woke up and forgot to tell her about my day. I forgot to play pretend in the backyard with her. I forgot about her. As sad as that sounds, I like to think that she never really left me, my brain just got crammed.
You probably just read that and are like my goodness Colleen what was the point of me reading about your imaginary friend? Just wait, we are about to get to that.
I have heard one consistent question towards Christians. "How can you believe in a God you cannot even see? If there is no proof why do you devote countless hours towards what could in the end be an empty promise?" I have struggled with that and I won't lie. I used to constantly think about how challenging it is to pray to a God that I have never even seen. It's difficult when those thoughts flood your mind, however, that is where strong firm faith is born.
Faith is a choice. It is something we must choose daily to continue our relationship with God. We must believe in what we cannot see.
So how the heck does this relate to my imaginary friend you ask? Well lets revisit some of those ideas I mentioned earlier:
1. She was always there
God has been there from the very moment he formed you in your mothers womb. He was there watching you learn how to ride a bike. He was there when your first tooth fell out. He was there for your first heartbreak. He was there for your first failed exam. You get the point he was always there.
2. She would always listen
God is always listening. His ears are open to any and every situation you face. He wants to hear you speak to him in honest words even if they hurt you to speak out loud. He wants to listen and will never stop.
3. Her love was unwavering
Okay be real with yourself for a moment. You are flawed. You have sinned. You are not perfect. God knows this and created you in this way purposefully. No matter how big your mistake or fault may be his love stays the same. Repeat that HIS LOVE STAYS THE SAME! In a world where no love is consistent we all need Jesus to love us for our mistakes.
4. Even when I forgot about her she never left
A huge part of being a Christian includes the highs and lows. No one is perfect with their relationship with God and that is just the truth. I know for me especially my faith journey can best be described as a Drop tower ride. I experience these high moments where my relationship with God peaks and man the view is great at the top. What follows is a drop that hurts my stomach and can lead to me disregarding God. Wanna hear the good news though? God never leaves. I said it before and I'll say it again. He has been with you since he formed you in your mothers womb and he will be with you until you see him in heaven. I won't lie there are nights, weeks, even months where I constantly forget to pray but even when I forget he never leaves.
A key thing to note about my relationship with Zeida was that I didn't need people to see her for me to believe in who she was. Her not being visible never took away from the experiences I had with her--because I knew her.
So how can I possibly love a God I can't see? Simple. I see him daily. I see him as the sun rises and as it sets. I feel him with every inhale and exhale of my breath. I hear him at every Sunday service. I know him. I know that he was always there, always listens, has an unwavering love, and will never desert me no matter how badly I mess up. Honestly you will see this when you believe it. Knowing God honestly changes it all.
I must say God and Zeida do share some characteristics but at the end of the day she cannot compare. For God is not imaginary. God is as real as it gets.

How can you view this sunset and think it was painted this way by coincidence?