In a world that is constantly depicting singleness as something that needs to be "fixed," Valentine's Day can feel like I depressing reminder that you're not in a relationship. I mean, honestly, the number of times I've been told, "you'll find someone" after mentioning I don't have a boyfriend, should make the question universally banned. It's almost like there is an invisible timeline, and if you don't have someone by a certain age, you must be doing something incorrectly.
I'm here to remind you, there isn't anything wrong with you! Being single isn't a problem, and you don't need to strive to escape it.
As you go through Friday--single or not--I challenge you to look past the superficial commercialized aspects of Valentine's Day and focus on all the love around you. After all, love isn't strictly romantic. It's about family, friends, strangers, acts of kindness, and everything in between.
If you've been thinking to yourself, "should I just get a boyfriend?" I have to humble you real quick. Usually you date someone because of who they are, not to check off a box. You will meet him in God's timing and thereby when you are meant to. Don't let the idea that you NEED a boyfriend influence your choices.
I'll never forget my junior year of high school when suddenly every one of my friends got a boyfriend. It wasn't that I had met anyone I wanted to date, or honestly even wanted one but rather I was left feeling like I was the only one without one. I began to feel like I was falling behind and I couldn't keep up with everyone else I knew.
Looking back it is clear, there is no such thing as falling behind. Life has no order. You're journey is incomparable to any and everyone else so why even attempt to compare? Keep doing what you're doing! You're time will come if and when it is meant to.
If I'm being honest I struggle with this idea every now and then. I have found myself wondering if there is a character, crooked tooth, or tone in my laugh that could equate to my singleness. When I find myself thinking this, however, I remind myself of the truth. Just because I'm single doesn't mean I'm incomplete. Just because I'm single doesn't mean I'm not enough. Just because I'm single doesn't mean there's something wrong with my face. Our worth doesn't stem from our relationship status.
So today, whether you will be going on a romantic candle lit dinner or spending the night with all of your best friends, remember that you are enough as is. Look for the love that is already abundantly enough! Smile at the stranger that makes your coffee. Laugh with the friend that knows how to cheer you up after a bad exam. Hug the person that remembers a small detail you mentioned to them 3 weeks prior. Love is around you and if you don't start to look at it you might miss it. You don't need someone to complete you, you are already whole!
With all that said, I am single, secure, and in need of a formal date:)