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curly hair


Growing up, I loved having curly hair. The quality seemed to be the first thing people noticed and the last thing I needed to be insecure about. Each morning, while my mom would put my hair in all sorts of braids and styles, one thing remained constant—I always had to have my hair down.

Somewhere between elementary and middle school, I began to straighten my hair. As a result, I quickly noticed a pattern: the more I straightened my hair, the more compliments I received at school. The people around me seemed to like my straight hair better, and as a result, I began to as well.

Now, if you’ve ever used heat on your hair, you are aware of the damage repeated use can cause. As I yearned for the approval of the people around me, I was directly harming a quality I once viewed as valuable.


Is there a trait, physical or internal, that you’ve experienced a similar battle with? Do you feel as though you are 'too much' for the people in your life? Do you dislike the freckles on your face? Do you worry that your jokes aren’t funny enough? Do you wish you looked differently? Whatever it is, we all have insecurities. The best news in the world, though, is that a simple perspective change can help transform our meekness into confidence.

If I could go back and write myself a list of reminders, I would. But since I can't, here is a list of truths made just for you!

You were made with love and intention.

When God made you, He didn’t mess up. He spent time crafting you specifically and uniquely. The fact that around 109 billion people have walked this globe and not a single one has looked exactly like you truly speaks to the beauty behind your individuality. No one has had the same face as you ever. No one has had the same personality as you ever. Act like it!

Comparison is crazy.

If you were meant to look like the girl you continuously compare yourself to, God would have made you look like her. If you were meant to be as gifted in math as the classmate you continuously compare yourself to, God would have given you that gift.

1 Corinthians 12:12: "The body is a unit, though it is composed of many parts. And although its parts are many, they all form one body. So it is with Christ."

If all the organs in your body performed the same function as your heart, you wouldn't be able to breathe, eat, or ultimately live. The same goes for us! Your body is a reminder of your value and vitality on this earth! If we all looked and acted in the same way, how boring would life be?! God didn’t make you to be like everyone else. He made you to be you, and that is not a mistake.

People are too worried about themselves.

It’s a nice reminder to humble yourself every now and then. Respectfully, the world doesn’t revolve around you. Sorry, is that too aggressive?

It can be really easy to get in our own heads and think that everyone is constantly looking and thinking about you when really they're not. And even if there are people who are talking or thinking about you constantly... you basically have fans, so either way, it’s a win-win scenario.


As I was trying to wrap my head around how I could possibly conclude this blog post, the strangest thing happened. I’m typing this on the Auburn concourse, and it’s important to note that I have my hair in a low pony (essentially, my hair isn’t looking great by any means). Suddenly, I hear someone walking up behind me. When I look, I see a guy I have never seen in my life. He looked at me and said, “Your hair is beautiful,” and then walked away.

Do you want to know the craziest part of that interaction? My world kept spinning. While a compliment like that would have rocked my world back in the day, I no longer allow the validation of others to have power over me.

On the days when this seems easier said than done, I simply remind myself of these three truths:

  • I was made with love and intention.

  • Comparison is crazy.

  • People are too worried about themselves.

I pray these core truths can empower and encourage you to embrace your most authentic self today and always! There is only one you, and God didn’t mess up when He created you.


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