I've encountered many people in my life who seem to be consistently unhappy. Regardless of the source of their discontent, one thing always stands out: they do not enjoy life. While I've experienced plenty of my own ups and downs, I've learned one crucial lesson that I strive to make my daily goal: Life. Should. Be. Fun.
Your thoughts shape your life and when your source of water is negativity the yield will inevitably limit your potential to know joy, peace, and your best self.
Don't believe me? Lets talk about two kinds of people...
Person A: "I dance through life!"
This person wakes up each day knowing that no matter what comes, they have God on their side. This mindset alone shapes...
the choices they make -----> they says yes to challenges even when scared
the people they meet -------> they cherish the people placed in their life
the fun they have ----------> they smile more than they complain
Person B: "Dancing is embarrassing."
This person starts each day with a list of "what-ifs" and "buts" and wholeheartedly believe that the world is against the,.
the choices they make ------> they say no to each opportunity that comes their way
the people they meet --------> they avoid relationships to protect themselves
the fun they have ----------> they remain in their comfort zone and never discover the joy that lies beyond it
You don't need to be perfect to dance. I mean everyone knows that at the best weddings--everyone, regardless of skill, is on the dance floor. Life is the same. You don't have to be flawless to show up and have fun. Sometimes showing up is enough. Life is about trying, failing, and laughing your way through the missteps that are destined to come. Once you begin to embrace the mistakes that come with each day joy will become much more accessible!
Show up to the work out class you've been too scared to try. Go to the church group that you've been too nervous to drive to. Just get on the dance floor! Perfection is not needed to show up.
Often times when my life is going right I find myself thinking, "this isn't going to last." The reality is that happiness doesn't have a limit. You can't have too much joy in your life. Just because you are extremely happy doesn't mean that you are at your peak and you are about to experience the worst year of your life. When life is good enjoy it and don't let worry take you away from soaking it all in. Dance when life is good knowing that God is dancing with you!
Inevitably not every period of your life is going to be your favorite. The way you react in these periods though is huge. You have to recognize the fact that joy does not come from circumstance but your creator. When you learn how to dance through a difficult season you'll likely discover a deeper kind of joy.
Now I have to ask...what will you do? Will you continue to wish time will go by quicker? Will you envy a past version of yourself? Life is waiting and the music is already playing! Step out, embrace the rhythm that comes with trusting the Lord, and let God lead you into a life of joy, purpose, and yes--fun.
